Subject: Shortage of TPLCM item for Model Y50(Email)

Shortage of TPLCM item for Model Y50

Dear Production In Charge,

I am writing to bring to your attention the shortage of 479 pcs of TPLCM items for Model Y50 in our inventory. We have conducted a thorough physical check and checked all software transactions, but we have been unable to recover the stock gap. We also conducted a search with your officers in your production line (Assembly & Packing line) and found some quantity over or excess than your software stock, which reduces a small portion of the shortage gap.

To help you understand the situation, I would like to present the following points:

1. We believe that if a search can be done in direct order of you to your supervisors, the short qty. can be recovered from your side since we are only material traNSACT TO YOU  for consumption.

2. It is possible that a mismatched handover or some transaction may have been wrongly done, which has led to the shortage.

3. We have observed a discrepancy in the handover writing quantity mentioned in the attached Move Order for Model Y50 of TPLCM. The hand-written quantity is 1674 pcs, but the software transaction was done for 1074 pcs, which is almost close to our stock shortage.

In light of the above, we urgently request your kind help and cooperation to inventory the actual stock short over to you and us as RM inventory to meet your full Lot qty. production.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Best regards,

RM Inventory In Charge.

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